Monday, August 10, 2009

Giving Back

What I love about training and being involved in the health and fitness industry is the ability to give back to the ones that are close to you. I thrive on having the knowledge to advise my friends and family about their training game, certain injuries that they have and put to use the things I learn from IF on personal and professional level and spreading it to those closest to me.

It is important to be that role model for someone and be able to give back your knowledge and experiences to the ones you love. When friends ask you for advice on how then can get “fit” or they want to lose “xx” pounds, you are able to help them. I love training a friend/family member and helping them get to their goals and feeling better about themselves. This is an act of friendship/love and it helps them realize what you do on a daily basis.

A couple of weeks ago I finally got my mum and her friend to come into IF. Since being at IF for just under 2 years, I have constantly asked my family to come in and see what it is all about. They come to all the events that I am in and are very supportive but have never come in and had a training session. This was a huge break through and after my mum's training session, she got a taste of what I do everyday, realized how much fun it is and now knows the reasons why I get up at 5am everyday to come in and train.

My advice to you all, is take the time out of your day to train a friend, significant other or family member. The experience they will receive will make the relationship, respect and understanding of what you do for a living that much better.

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