Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who's To Blame?

There's a trend in our media that infuriates me - and it's when the complete misdirection of our society's moral compass is held up for us all to see. What am I talking about? Two examples come to mind - "Jon and Kate" and the "Octomom".

You see, while both of the parties involved in this example should certainly be ashamed of themselves, I believe that the responsibility for the progression and continuation of these tragedies is actually our fault. Not unlike the way traffic slows as people pass an accident, so the rubberneckers can feast their eyes on other's misery, we continue to make behaviour like these to examples demonstrate... profitable. And if it's profitable, then it will continue to be produced - that simple.

So - how can we change this?

This, then, is when the government should step in. Yes, it's a touchy subject - at what point does it become "Big Brother" or "1984", where a small minority decides what we should and shouldn't be watching - but I think that as soon as children are involved, it is the government's responsibility to step in and take care of them. Cancel "Jon and Kate" - remove the monetary value of the children and force Kate to be their mother not because she makes a dollar off of it, but because she's their mom. Take away the "celebrity" status from Jon, and maybe people will see him as he actually is - an overweight, balding man going through an early mid-life crisis. Maybe, just maybe - they'd step and and become parents to these poor kids. And don't even give the Octomom a chance - get her away from those kids as quickly as possible, and give them a chance to be raised properly by someone who doesn't just see dollar signs when they look at them.

I realize this is a simplification of something that needs a much deeper adjustment, but the worst thing we can do as individuals is sit back and let it happen.

Take a stand. Turn off the tv, and don't read the tabloids. Save your time and energy for people who deserve our attention because they've achieved something of note - and don't encourage the type of behaviour listed above by supplying an audience.

And stop staring at accidents as you drive by. You wouldn't want anyone looking in on your misery, you're slowing down traffic - and worst of all, you may cause an accident yourself.


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