Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Someone is always watching…

Seriously, the world is a small place and one never knows who’s watching. Wherever we are we must act like professionals. Whether we are working or not – act appropriately…

First impressions are a real time chance to act the way you want to be perceived. We seem to sometimes live in a shallow world and we all fall into the trap of judging a book by its cover – don’t provide ammunition or ‘fuel to the fire’

As times moves forward and we become more intertwined to the company, our reputations are looked at closer and closer – it seems the better we do, the greater the lens of the microscope used to keep track of us. It can be a slippery slope so please act right and perform the way you see yourself 100% of the time.

Don’t fall victim to road rage and flip someone off…what if that Chevy has your next session driving in it and they recognize you as they walk through our doors…or how about a coach is trying to book you an hour with that customer standing right there and as they are selling you they witness you acting childish, immature or worse, like you aren’t paying attention while training a customer at the that time.

Even super stars need to watch their back – clocking someone in the face is hard to hide from when you have 100,000 eyes watching your every move.

Be sure to act your age and represent yourself like the professional training coach that you are striving to be!

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